Car Wash & Property

Location: Pennsylvania

Industry: Car Wash

Sold, successful highly profitable and modern car wash and auto center with real estate in an urban city of Pennsyvania. This car wash has an average gross income of $2,900,000 and a consistent net yearly income of $660,000 to the owner. The facility has been fully remolded during the past few years and is in excellent working condition. The present staff has been at the facility for the past ten years and will remain post-closing. This is an excellent opportunity which offers years of income to the owner operator. The facility consists of 10,500 square feet in a clean modern setting with state of art equipment. This business, as an updated auto center, has a drive-in area which prepares and washes the vehicle in a coordinated manner for the best possible service. This transaction includes, busness, assets and real estate.

Regal Consulting Corp.
575 Route 28
Suite 204
Raritan, New Jersey 08869
Telephone: 973 837-0808
Fax: 973 837-0090